About Us
Thanks for your interest in our products. Prior to creating Nasol and nasolRE natural nasal spray my wife had tried just about everything to keep the tissue mountain from forming each night next to our bed. She has suffered horribly from allergies throughout her life.
For me, I was at risk of losing a couple of days of work every time a migraine hit, it was that bad!
I would spend that time hiding under the covers, trying to block out every sound, every shred of light...uncomfortable...in pain.
My wife had 2 nasal surgeries, a variety of steroids, and every OTC product that you can imagine...now over 15 years ago, we experimented with capsaicin.
This is why we formulated Nasol and nasolRE.
An all natural homeopathic natural nasal spray that actually works!
This product was born of selfish needs for a safe, effective and reliable solution to our own ailments, but since has helped thousands of people worldwide, and we hope it might help you too!
We're on a mission to make safe and effective natural products like these more accessible to families like yours (and ours.)
But don't take our word for it, be sure to check out our customer experiences and decide if our products might be right for you!
Thank you for visiting us!
The Thompson Family